Monday, September 10, 2007

Dan and Candice

Congrats to Dan for finding the secret key to Candice's heart: 100 roses and lots of crab legs!
I haven't seen you since the wedding but I hope you've had many 'happy' mornings. "Kiss your wife! Kiss your wife!"

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Sisters Shoot: Lindsay, Julia and Laura

What a complete afternoon! It was full of laughter, clouds, sun, grass, frisbee, parks and more laughter. There was one really scary moment but we discovered that spicy gelato has amazing healing powers.

All you girls need for a good laugh is each other. Thanks for the eventful afternoon.


West Coast Trail

August 16-22

It's been my dream to do the West Coast Trail for the past 2 years. I took on this adventure with Dan, Clarissa and Sarah.
What an experience to sleep on the beach and fall asleep to the sound of waves! We were blessed to have no rain when we set up the tents, but at all other times, it rained.
Walking along the beaches was mentally the toughest challenge for me. I sunk about 3 inches with each step that I took. You know in nightmares where you're running as hard as you can, but you're barely moving?? It's a similar feeling walking along the coarse beaches.

Here are some of the amazing sunsets which we experienced while on the trail.
