Speaking of Hawaii, here's a summary of Hawaii:
-Food is REALLY EXPENSIVE which makes sense because everything is shipped or flown in. 4L of milk cost 6 bucks, A loaf of bread is 5 bucks. WOW!
-Alaskan King Crab Buffet in a Hotel restaurant with a BIG aquarium and a scuba diver who waves at you.
-First time surfing didn't go so well. It led to 9 stiches and me staying out of the water for 7 days. (more below)
-You can't go to mexico, hawaii, dominican, cuba etc without going to the night market for necklaces and bracelets so I went twice.
-Ate out alot at KFC, Tippys....or I forget the name but it's a Hawaiian Fast Food place that has Japanese Noodles too. We also went to a Shrimp Shack located in the middle of NOWEHRE on the north shore. Overpriced.
-I discovered that I like Papaya after hating it for 22 years.
-Climbed Diamond Head
-Shopped at Ala Moana. I love how all the hotels and even this mall have an 'open concept'. There are no walls to the lobby and you can walk directly from lobby to street. It must be nice on days when the tradewinds blow, but must SUCK when they don't, which we experienced for the last 4 days. The Ala Moana had to roof! So the engineer in me was figuring out how they manage the water when it DOES rain.
Turning 23 brought me a bit of bad luck, cuz the FIRST time paddling out of the FIRST TIME surfing, some OLD hairy guy is paddling out to the waves as well but for some reason he's going sideways. He gets caught by a big wave and flips over right in front of me. Being a noob, I didn't realize how fast he'd come towards me. By the time I realized that I should get out of the way it was too late. The board smacked me in the face and I felt it hit my teeth too.
I immediately knew something was wrong with my tooth because I could feel that my tooth was rough. Turns it it's chipped right on the corner of my right 'buck tooth'. I stood there dazed and the instructor yells, "COME HERE SON let me take a look!. I paddled out towards him and he says 'Yup! you're gonna need stiches'. In my haziness I mutter "am I bleeding?" I felt my face and looked at my hand which was covered in blood. So he gives jon a push to catch a waves and he catches it. He gives me a push...and I forget that i'm supposed to stand up cuz I hear a 'STAND UP! STAND UP! Stand UP!".
We rushed to Doctors On Call, a walk in clinic but our traveller's insurance wouldn't be accepted and we're told to go to the hospital. The system down here is pretty fast, i'm admitted within 1/2 an hour. We had to wait for the insurance claim to be made before they'd work on my face so we waited an hour or so. They put freezing gel on the wound, and then local anesthetic followed by 9 stiches right on my cheek bone.
My New scar starts where my old scar ends.....I'll include the story of my old scar incase you haven't heard it.....So now I've got a Backwards "L" around my eye.
When I was 5 I was riding a tricycle around the block with jon who was on a normal two wheel bike. The neighbour's daughter and her friends decided to hold hands and stand across the street to block us from getting through.....My Brilliant 5 year old mind came up with the plan of attacking them from the backside....to break their line. I pull a quick U-Turn but being the responsible kid I am, I shoulder check first. Jon was tail-gating me and his tire shredded the fleshy part beside the eye. That led to 5 stiches and a pretty bad scar.
I seem to injure this eye alot too because my babysitter's daughter stabbed me with a pencil near the nose of my left eye, I was run over by the same girl while toboganning. It left a gash on the outside of my eyebrow. I think there was another injury but I can't remember right now.