Saturday, February 14, 2009

New Race Schedule

My Week:
Now that my work schedule is semi-finalized, I can finally start signing up for races. You can pretty much ignore my schedule from two posts ago.

I found out that Lance Armstrong used to be a triathlete when he ran NYC marathon for the 2nd time. There's talk of him going for the Ironman championship!!

I'm all about sports nutrition right now. I'm reading Nancy Clark RD's book on sports nutrition and I've found some interesting things such as, vegetables have more if not equal amount of nutrients as fruit. All this time i thought I was eating vegetables for fibre only! Nature's vitamin pills.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

My Turn

I regularly check (once a day, sometimes twice in the same night) Simon Whitfield and Kirsten Sweetland's blogs for updates on their training and/or life happenings. I get super excited when there are new posts, which made me realize that I should post ALOT more.

So the most exciting news I have is that I'm moving back up to Firebag, one of Suncor's operations in the Fort McMurray area. I move up February 24th, leaving me 12 days to see everyone. It's really not that bad. Sure the days are 12 hours long for 7 days in a row, but the weekends are also 7 days long. I'll be able to live like a 'professional athlete' and focus on training for a solid 7 days and then focus on flexibility, core and weights for the 7 days on site.

The other bit of news is that I've decided to use Ironman Calgary 70.3 as a fundraiser for the Alberta Cancer Foundation. It started earlier this year when I entered for a lottery spot in the London (England) Marathon. I wasn't accepted, but I was already set to use the marathon as a fundraiser since 99.9999999% of runners run for charities (Run fat boy run).
I knew that the Suncor Energy Foundation would grant up to $5000 to match employees fundraising efforts, but the funds had to be raised by a TEAM of employees. After forming a team of 9 employees, I realized that OTHER companies might match as well.
To cut the story short, the goal is to raise $70 300 (70.3 thousand dollars) for the Alberta Cancer Foundation!

More info can be found at:
which will be up by next week.